From now on breeders of the Hannoveraner Verband will receive an automated reminder email, if the breeding date of the mare in 2022 is already longer than 380 days ago.
Since the birth of a foal must be reported to the Verband within 28 days, this reminder email is a service to ensure that the report is not forgotten. If the mare has resorbed or the foal is unfortunately no longer alive, the notification is also requested.
If the foal is already born, the report of the foaling can also be done without a reminder email as a user of MeinHannoveraner here. If you are not yet a user of MeinHannoveraner, a report can be made here.
If you have any questions about reporting the foaling or about MeinHannoveraner, please do not hesitate to contact Juliana Küspert (+49 42 31 67 37 65, jkuespert(ät)