Verden Auctions - Your Hannoveraner from Verden

Buying a horse is something very special. And we know that. Supporting you in your search for your dream horse is an honour for us! The Verden service makes buying a horse a special experience in the equestrian city Verden: vet-checked, owner independent, a large selection of horses in one place and personal advice when buying your dream horse.

50th Elite Foal and Broodmare Auction on August, 9th

The collection of the 50th Elite Foal and Broodmare Auction features a selection of hand-picked auction foals for dressage and show jumping, as well as broodmares. The auction foals are presented online with photos, videos, and pedigree information. Additionally, a live presentation of the Auction foals will take place in Verden on Friday, August 9, at 10 am.

The auction will take place OnLive on Friday, August 9, at 3 pm in the Niedersachsenhalle. Bids can be submitted live on-site, by telephone bidding order, or online. To bid online, register at Contact our customer advisors at any time!


Saturday, August 3

Friday, August 9

  • 10.00 am    Presentation of the foals and broodmares
  • 1.00 pm      Walking ring of the foals on hard ground in the stable area
  • 2.00 pm      End Pre-Bidding
  • 3.00 pm      Auction in the Niedersachsenhalle with final bid up

Discover your future champion now

Verden Auction - Your Hannoveraner from Verden


Buying a horse is something very special. And we know that. Supporting you in your search for your dream horse is an honour for us!
Every two to three months we offer you selected riding horses for the disciplines dressage, jumping, eventing and leisure. But you will also find horses suitable for hunter and driving sports at the Verden Auction. For over 70 years, the Verden Auctions have been connecting people with horses. And with great success!

The versatile collections offer horses for every preference. Professional riders find Olympic hopefuls, amateurs find successful sport horses and leisure riders find reliable friends. Foals, broodmares, licensed stallions and riding horses are easy to buy in Verden! Verden Auction horses are known for their quality and rideability. The Verden service makes buying a horse a special experience in the equestrian city Verden: vet-checked, owner independent, a large selection of horses in one place and personal advice when buying your dream horse.

Verden Auctions - Our report

Do you already know our report about the Verden Auctions? In this report we explain everything from the selection of suitable Verden Auction horses to the auction itself.

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Questions and answers

You have questions about the Verden Auction (Online/OnLive) and want to know more?

Find here the FAQs

Auction archive

Dates and figures! The Auction archive features statistics of preceding auctions. Sorted by years, it will provide information on the number of sold horses and price structure.

Find here the Auction Archive

Verden Auctions 2024



  • October, 12 - 141th Elite Auction - OnLive
  • November, 16 - Online



  • August 9
    50th Elte-Foal- and Broodmare-Auctions - OnLive

  • August 29

  • October 12
    141th Elite-Auction

Breeders Offer

  • 22. September



  • November, 21 - 23
    Verden Stallion Licensing with Stallion Sales - Dressage stallions - OnLive
  • November, 28 - 30
    Verden Stallion Licensing with Stallion Sales - Jumping stallions - OnLive


Many thanks to our sponsors!

Pia Pfaff

Selection dates and admission documents foals, foal inspections, inquiries about foal auctions

+49 42 31 67 37 32
8 – 12.00 h

Malte Kanz

Selection dates and admission documents riding horses, auction catalogs and moderation, general auction questions.

+49 42 31 67 37 39

Lena Stegemann

dam line research, veterinary records, general auction questions

+49 42 31 67 37 50

Nadine Fritz

Selection dates and admission documents foals, foal inspections, inquiries about foal auctions

+49 42 31 67 37 14
8 - 13.30 h






Do you have any questions about the Verden Auction?

Do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you!