The Hannoveraner Verband registers foals in the studbooks for Hannover, Rhineland and Hannoveraner halfbred racehorses. They can be sold via the Verden Auctions.
Foal registration abroad
The Hannoveraner Verband is also active abroad. In addition to the EU member states Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden, the Hannoveraner Verband also conducts its breeding program in the contracting states Switzerland and Norway and the third country states Russia, Canada, South Africa and Ukraine. Foal registrations and studbook inspections are possible in the listed countries.
For most countries there arescheduled events and registration trips . Appointments in other countries are possible, please contact Bo Eitenmüller (Tel.: +49 (0)4231-673744, E-Mail: beitenmueller(ät)
Foal registration in Germany
The breeding certificate issued by the stallion owner serves as the basis for the registration of the foal. The birth of a foal must be reported to the Hannoveraner Verband within 28 days. This can also be done online via MeinHannoveraner.
Most of the inspection and registration trips are organized in the second half of the year. Corresponding dates are published on the website. The foals have to be registered for these inspection dates. The Verband’s official will then inspect and register the foal, which means that date of birth, colour, sex and markings are recorded and the diagram for the horse passport is completed. The foal will be injected with a microchip in the left side of the neck. All data is then forwarded to the Verband, and a horse passport is issued as soon as the hereditary line has been confirmed and the fees have been paid.
Foal shows
Foal shows are the first public presentation in the life of a young horse. The shows are organized by the horse breeders’ clubs and serve as orientation for the breeder.
Notification of foaling online
Here you can inform us of the birth of your foal. You will need the life number (UELN) of your foal, your membership number and the email address you gave us as contact information.
You will find the registration number (UELN) (DE 431…) of your foal and your membership number (6 digits, next to your name) on the declaration of birth. Please contact Mrs Tanja Coors at tcoors(ät) if you have any further questions.
After completing the notification of foaling you will receive a confirmation by email. Please do not hesitate to contact Tanja Coors by email if you have questions regarding the notification of foaling online.
Record a name for your foal / Renaming
It is not necessary to assign an official name to foals. However, if desired, a name can be entered in the horse passport at foal age. If you have already chosen a name, simply communicate it at the foal registration. A fee of 30 Euros will be charged for this. Name changes are possible until registration into the studbook and cost 60 Euro. The principles of naming of the Hannoveraner Verband have to be considered when giving a name. The horse name must begin with the first initial of the sire. This allows an easy allocation of the horse to a stallion line.
Foal Emergency
Not always foaling goes without complications. It can happen that the dam or the foal dies during birth and immediate help is needed. Please support the breeders in rescuing the motherless foals by registering your foster mare with us. This service will be beneficial to you if you have also lost your mare during birth and need a foster mare as soon as possible.
- Foster mare agency, contact Ingrid Wiegmann +49 (0)1 73- 5 15 13 95
- Interessengemeinschaft Zugpferde (Interest group cart horses): Data bank for foster mares and orphan foals – Internet More assistance available with +49 (0) 23 33/8 01 44
Do you have questions about notification of foaling, foal registration or the creation of the horse passport? We are looking forward to your inquiry.
Bo Eitenmüller
Foal registration and studbook inspection international, acceptability of mares
+49 1 75 27 10 302
+49 42 31 67 37 44
Tanja Coors
Membership administration, tour planning international for foal registrations and studbook inspections, Duplicate papers
Maren Schlender
Deputy Breeding Manager, Head of Studbook International