An internationally highly successful weekend lies behind: In Riesenbeck/GER, Chao Lee (Rhld.) by Comme il faut NRW/Chacco-Blue (breeder: Otmar Eckermann, Kranenburg) and Germany's Katrin Eckermann won the Grand Prix of Surenburg. In Riga/LAT, Skorphult's Baloutendro by Contendros/Balou du Rouet (breeder: Lewitz Stud, Mühlen) and Abdullah Alsharbatly sensationally won the 1.55 metre Grand Prix at their first show start together.
At the CCI4*-S Hamm-Rhymern/GER the winners were Mighty Spring FRH by Mighty Magic/Landclassic (breeder: Jörg Bätje, Kranenburg) and Heike Jahncke from Germany.