After free jumping and the triangular course it was clear: Hann.Pr.A. Donna Bella by Don VHP Z/Cascadello (breeder and owner: Stefan Aust, Armstorf) is Hannover's new First Lady of the jumping mares. Modern and powerful at the jump, with an outstanding type – this is how the chestnut mare from a successful dam line presented herself to the judges Paul Mais, Hergen Forkert and breeding director Ulrich Hahne. The Reserve Champion was Hann.Pr.A./Vet+ Emmy Joe vom Claashof by Emerald van het Ruytershof/Landjonker (breeder and exhibitor: Dr. Stephan Hinrichs, Welle), who embodied the type of the modern sport horse. "Hanover has always had the most beautiful types," praised the Belgian stallion owner Paul Mais. "Now there is more and more scope added." Among the 18 jumping mares, the best half-bred mare was also awarded: Hann.Pr.A. Zambia by Zinedream/Ransom O'War xx (breeder and exhibitor: Ina von Estorff, Rosche).
"Great finish", said Katy Holder-Vale after the presentation of the 40 dressage mares on the triangular track. Together with Matthias Klatt and Ulrich Hahne, the chairwoman of the British Hanoverian Horse Society judged the three-year-olds, who were extremely strong in movement. She had hardly stepped onto the track as the first competitor when the hearts flew to her: Hann.Pr.A. Ballerina by Bon Courage/Destano (breeder: Hof Schepergerdes, Meppen, exhibitor: Christa Zumbeel-Dust, Bawinkel) thrilled with her performance and was celebrated as the Champion Mare Dressage. A year ago her half brother Big Ben by Bonds was licensed in Verden. She was hardly inferior to Hann.Pr.A. Summersby by Sandro Hit/Donnerhall (breeder and exhibitor: W.M. Stud, Visselhövede), who won the title of Reserve Champion. She comes from a sporty family, her granddam Real Gold is the dam of Duke of Britain FRH, who won team bronze with Germany’s Frederic Wandres at the World Championships in Herning/DEN.
In addition, the best mare family of the past show season was awarded in the For Pleasure arena. The Friedrich Jahncke Prize went to Hann.Pr.St. Chayenne by Christ/Raphael (breeder: Marefield Meadows, Blender) and her two daughters Hann.Pr.A. Doortje by D'Egalite and a two-year-old by Jovian. The breeding association Lange from Albstedt had presented this outstanding family out of the dam line of Schwanjungfrau in Elmlohe.
Champion Mares
Champion: Hann.Pr.A. Donna Bella by Don VHP Z/Cascadello
Br. and o.: Stefan Aust, Armstorf
Reserve champion: Hann.Pr.A./Vet+ Emmy Joe vom Claashof by Emerald van het Ruytershof/Landjonker
Br. and o.: Dr. Stephan Hinrichs, Welle
Half-breed mares
Hann.Pr.A. Zambia by Zinedream/Ransom O'War xx
Z. and Bes.: Ina von Estorff, Rosche
Champion Mare: Hann.Pr.A. Ballerina by Bon Courage/Destano
Br.: Hof Schepergerdes, Meppen
O.: Christa Zumbeel-Dust, Bawinkel
Reserve champion mare: Hann.Pr.A. Summersby by Sandro Hit/Donnerhall
Br. and O.: Gestüt W.M. GmbH, Visselhövede
Results Herwart von der Decken-Show