

Hannoveraner trio wins the 2-day-test in Münster-Handorf.

At the pilot project "2-day-test" of the Westphalian Stud Book in Münster-Handorf, the places one to three went to Hannover. The Vitalis/Fidertanz son Vogue (breeder: ZG Werth, Moers) led the 26-strong field of participants. The three-year-old shone with a final score of 9.33. Escaneno by Escamillo/Veneno (breeder: Tobias Schult, Hünxe) was hardly inferior to him with a final score of 9.05. Third came Geronimo G by Glamourdale/Escolar (breeder: Gestüt Grasekamp, Datteln), who received an even "very good" (9.01).