
The June/July-issue of the english version of our member's magazine DER HANNOVERANER is online now.

[Translate to Englisch:]

The english version of DER HANNOVERANER is published monthly as a pdf-file and informs about the most interesting news and events around the Hanoverian and its society, thus providing information to English speaking members.

Starting with the January 2011 issue THE HANOVERIAN/DER HANNOVERANER will be distributed via the internet and e-mail respectively.

Distribution via the internet is an ideal solution for a publication as DER HANNOVERANER which is mailed in small numbers to many countries. It offers the opportunity to produce this magazine more cost effectively and to make it available to our readers and breeders in a timely manner.

With your membership number you have free access to the download section of the english version of DER HANNOVERANER as the membership fee includes the magazine subscription.

You find your membership number and the correct format (blanks, punctuation, upper and lower case letters) of your address on your invoice, on your certificate of insemination ("Deckschein") or on your notification of foaling ("Abfohlmeldung").

When subscribing you will receive a confirmation e-mail within a few minutes. The e-mail will contain an activation code. Please click on the included link to activate your registration.

Please click in section "Order Service" on "Free of Charge". This makes sure, that you will not be charged for the download of the english version of DER HANNOVERANER.