Zum Hannoveraner News-Blog
The Breed Orientation Course 2023 will be held from October 28 until November 04.
The linear descriptions of the stallions are also available digitally in the stallions yearbook
The international winners of the weekend: Destacado FRH, Quizmaster FRH and Quirinus.
Shakeela wins the Hannoveraner Championships for five-year-olds, Manolo becomes Champion for six-year-olds and Deichgraf wins the premiere for seven- ...
Silent Wings, Barbor BS, Global Champion and Faccinello are the new Riding Horse Champions.
Danciero is world champion of the seven-year-old dressage horses, Vitalos FRH vice-champion of the six-year-olds and Beck's won Bronze in the ...
Nomen est omen: Bombastic leads statistic
Hof Waterkant Foal and Embryo Auction: Flair, atmosphere, sales success.
Their names are Hann.Pr.A. Donna Bella and Hann.Pr.A. Ballerina and they are the best three-year-old mares in Hannover. They won the Herwart von der ...
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